Golf Leagues
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Golf Ladies 9 hole League
Golf Ladies 9 hole League
The 9-Hole Ladies Golf League plays every Tuesday morning from early April to the end of October.
Play begins with an 8:30 shotgun start but may vary due to seasonal conditions. A small fee is charged to participate in the league. Players with a golf handicap may compete for weekly prizes.
Players are not required to hold an LMOA golf contract or live at Lake Monticello. Noncontract players are responsible for daily golf fees applicable for the round of golf.
This friendly group of ladies welcomes you to enjoy golf with them on our beautiful course.
League Coordinator: Katy Peters-Rodbell, 434-589-3530, [email protected]
The 18 Hole Ladies play each Tuesday morning from early April through the end of October.
Play begins with a 9:00 AM shotgun start weekly throughout the season.
The League participation fee is $35.00. Players are not required to hold a LMOA golf contract.
Non-contract players are responsible for all daily golf fees applicable for the round of golf.
League Description -The Lake Monticello Ladies Golf Association (LMLGA) 18 Hole League is a social league with weekly events scheduled from April through October. All ages and skill levels are welcome. A USGA handicap is required. Each player can complete her own 18- hole round while competing in a fun game arranged by the Ladies Day League chair. There is also the opportunity for inter-club play. New players are always welcome.
League Coordinator - Lorraine Bergstresser
Phone: 703-304-7084
Email: [email protected]
18-hole Gray Foxes play each Thursday morning between late March and the end of October.
9-hole Gray Foxes play each Friday Morning between late March and the end of October.
Playtimes - for both the Thursday and Friday Leagues, play begins with a Shotgun Start at 8:30 AM in the early spring, and the fall and 8:00 am during June, July and August.
League participation fee - $55 per year for League Membership plus $5 per 18-hole event and $3 for 9-hole events. Prizes are awarded each week based on flighted event results, plus end of year awards for overall year results.
The league is open to male golfers 50 and older. Players are not required to hold an annual LMOA Golf Contract. USGA handicap registration is required since most events are flighted based on the USGA handicap of each participant. Non-Contract players are responsible for all Daily Golf fees applicable for the round of golf.
The $55 annual membership fee includes admittance to the End-of-Year Awards Banquet in early November.
Click here for the 2021 Gray Foxes Registration Form.
18 Hole (Thursday) Coordinator: Dan Atkinson
Phone - 434-594-3508
E-Mail: [email protected]
The Monday Evening Golf League plays each Monday beginning in mid-April and concluding in early October (except for holidays).
Play begins with a 4:00 PM shotgun start every week.
League participation fee--$2.50 per person per week goes to the prize fund, which is distributed each week as Pro Shop credits based on gross and net scores. Players are not required to hold an LMOA golf contract. Non-contract players are responsible for all daily golf fees applicable for the round of golf. A VSGA handicap is not required.
League Description: A 9-hole Captain's Choice format for both couples and single players, male or female, any skill level. A fun, informal, and sociable evening is the objective. Players voluntarily meet afterward for dinner at the Pub. We play the front nine for ½ the season, then switch to the back nine for the other half. Once a month, we play a special game in addition to Captain's Choice.
League Coordinator Contact Information: Terry & Edwina Heyer
Phone: 434-589-6384
Email: [email protected]
The Pink Flamingos play Wednesday afternoons
Starting times begin at 1 or 2 pm depending on the twilight season
League participation fee – There is no fee to participate in the league. Players are not required to hold a LMOA golf contract. Non-contract players are responsible for all daily golf fees applicable for the round of golf.
League Description - The Pink Flamingos is a 9-hole league for women who are beginners, or have been away from golf for a while and want to get back to playing the game, or just want to come out and enjoy a friendly, relaxing game.
League Coordinator Contact information: Flo Marks,
Phone: (434) 591-0230
Email: [email protected]
The Wednesday Evening League plays each Wednesday in two 10-week sessions between mid- April and mid-September.
Play begins with a 5:30 pm shotgun.
League participation fee is $20 per session which is used for the end-of-session awards and celebration on the last night of the session.
The league is open to male and female golfers 18 and older. Players are required to have a USGA handicap. An annual LMOA Golf Contract is not required. Non-contract players are responsible for all daily golf fees applicable for the round.
Format is a 2-person team Stableford net better ball. Sign up as a team or place your name on a singles list to be partnered with another single. On each hole the better net score is used to assign the Stableford points for the team.
Awards are for first, second and third place teams for the session and weekly closest to the pin.
League Coordinator Contact information: Mark Marshall,
Phone: 434-589-3075
E-Mail: M[email protected]
The Lake Monticello Senior Men’s Travel Team consists of men 55 and older who are contract holders at Lake Monticello. The team plays interclub matches against other Central Virginia clubs from May through October.
We play home and away best ball matches with Birdwood, Farmington, Glenmore, Greene Hills, Old Trail, Stoney Creek and Orchard Creek. Our seven home matches are on held on Thursdays and run concurrently with the Gray Foxes events; an equal number of away matches are held mostly on other weekdays. The annual team fee is just $5 but we also pay $25-$30 for home matches, and $40-$50 for away matches; the additional fees cover lunch at our club and lunch and cart fees at the other host clubs. Depending on the club, we normally need 16 to 20 players to “suit up” for a match – we try to maintain balance so that everyone gets a fair amount of play.
We always “look good” for play with matching team shirts that include the famous Lake Monticello logo. Signups for play are normally in late winter, but we remain open to new arrivals.
If interested in joining our travel team, see the contact information below for more information, or ask at the pro shop.
Travel Team Coordinator: Karl Bergstresser
[email protected]