Get Ahead of your rising blood sugar: Reverse Prediabetes. One in three American adults have pre-diabetes and it’s one in two (or 50%) for US seniors! Often people ask, “why didn’t my doctor tell me I had prediabetes?” Presenter Cynthia Moore, Registered Dietitian, Diabetes Care & Education Specialist has heard this question way too often. Learn to interpret your own numbers, know risk factors, and make small changes so you can delay or prevent diabetes. What can 30 min of movement and 5-7% weight loss do? Tune up your skills in eating, moving, sleep and/or stress resilience to prevent prediabetes from turning into diabetes. Family/friend supporters are also welcome. Free from 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM in the Ashlawn Clubhouse, Terrace Room A. You may wish to bring a copy of your most recent blood work to have as a personal (confidential) reference during the workshop. Questions or to reserve your spot:
[email protected] Class is limited to 30.