All members in good standing of the Association have the privilege of extending guests the opportunity to visit Lake Monticello. All guests must be accompanied or vouched for by a member of LMOA. Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests and all the financial obligations of their guests to the Association. Members will be held accountable for deliberate or careless damage to Association property by their guests.
Guests of members not in good standing shall be granted access to Lake Monticello for access to the member's lot. Guests of members not in good standing shall not have the privilege of using any of the Lake Monticello amenities. Under no circumstances shall guests be admitted while towing a boat that has not been officially registered with LMOA.
Our security staff aims to help protect our members from crime and keep a careful eye on the community. To support our security staff in these efforts, the association requires that all guests be registered while on association grounds. The Main Gate located at Ashlawn Blvd is staffed 24/7 and can be reached by calling 434-589-3215 or by emailing [email protected]
PM 19.03
Guests of members not in good standing shall be granted access to Lake Monticello for access to the member's lot. Guests of members not in good standing shall not have the privilege of using any of the Lake Monticello amenities. Under no circumstances shall guests be admitted while towing a boat that has not been officially registered with LMOA.
Our security staff aims to help protect our members from crime and keep a careful eye on the community. To support our security staff in these efforts, the association requires that all guests be registered while on association grounds. The Main Gate located at Ashlawn Blvd is staffed 24/7 and can be reached by calling 434-589-3215 or by emailing [email protected]
PM 19.03
LMOA Policy Manual Chapter Nineteen – Section 19.03 Access to and within the Lake Monticello Community